Courses and Collaborations
The highlight of most NZCF personnel is having the opportunity to go meet people from around the country. The NZCF offer a range of courses that will suit anyone's interests. Whether you're looking to get promoted into a leadership positions or you want to enhance your navigation skills, there's something for everyone.
Cadet 150
Exercise Cadet 150 was held at the Waiouru Military Training Facility from 23-30 January 2014, to celebrate 150 years of Cadets in New Zealand. Over 1100 personnel from the New Zealand Sea Cadet Corps, Army Cadet Corps and Air Training Corps, as well as Cadets from Australia and Canada, assembled for a week of Tri-Corps training and activities.
Fieldcraft course in Waiouru
NZCF Courses
Courses are some of the greatest opportunities for personnel. Once you have finished your initial two years of training almost a dozen courses open up to you. Not only are the courses amazing, but they need capable leaders and role models to staff them. Qualified Non-Commissioned Officers and Commissioned NZCF Officers are offered the opportunity to be temporarily employed by the NZDF to staff Cadet Force courses.
CPL Waenga and CDT Hegh on Poppy Day
Inter-Corps Exercises
Although 19 SQN is part of the Air Training Corps, we often undertake exercises and activities with personnel from our sister services the New Zealand Cadet Corps and Sea Cadet Corps. These range from selling poppies on Poppy Day, parading together on Anzac Day, and having the ability to experience some of the perks the other Corps have.